Northeast Kansas Veterans' Home - Topeka, KS

Construction start date TBD

We've heard you loud and clear! There's a clear demand for a Veterans Home in the northeast part of our state. Our application for funding through the Department of Veterans Affairs State Construction Grant program has been submitted, our Northeast Kansas State Veterans Home has been placed on the priority list and we eagerly await the release of funds from the Federal VA (when available).  Nevertheless, we're pushing ahead to be fully prepared for the next phase of the project upon receipt of federal funding.  

Over the past 24 months, we have visited other State Veterans Homes, meet with experts in health care and long term facilities to aid with the design development.  Collaborating closely with architects and subject matter experts, we're ensuring that the Veterans home in Topeka, adjacent to the Colmery-O'Neil VA Medical Center, will offer top-notch services and a supportive environment for both residents and staff.  We anticipate by February 2025 we will be complete with design development. 

The current design features 72 individual rooms, a physical therapy area, multipurpose room, theater, dining area, barber/beauty shop, and more. Our utmost priority is to create a facility that our Veterans and their Families will proudly call "Home," one that caters to their specific needs.

Below is the current design to date.  Stay tuned to this site for further updates on our new Northeast Kansas Veterans Home!Schematic Design Drawings_Page_2